A new poll released yesterday shows 75% of Ontarians think Premier Ford is taking us in the wrong direction. The public outrage against Ford’s cut to public services and the rollbacks of our rights is so high that 4 in 10 Conservative voters say they wouldn’t vote for the party again.[1]
There is no doubt that the People of Ontario are angry at the Ford government for repeatedly choosing corporate profits over workers, our health and the environment. It’s crucial that we organize this sentiment to create sustained pressure to not only shame the Conservative government, but also to stop the attacks on our communities.
This is why from Muskoka to Malton, and from Niagara Falls to Ottawa, $15 & Fairness supporters have been organizing local events to hold the Ford government to account and defend our rights against bad bosses. In the coming days please make every effort to join us at a local action near you:
June 7 & 8 - Power of Many Provincial Days of Action
June 7 marks one year of resisting government cuts to public services, education, health care and decent work. Labour and community will be hitting the streets throughout Ontario to show that we didn't vote for cuts to public services or attacks on decent work. Join an action in a community near you, click here!
Climate justice means decent work and migrant rights! Sign the pact for a Green New Deal!
People across the country are coming together to create a shared vision for an economy that protects the planet -- and its inhabitants. Sign the pact here, to get on board. Round-table discussions are taking place everywhere! Click here to find one near you.
We know that any bold vision to protect the environment must include: decent work; universal, high quality public services; permanent resident status for all migrants and refugees; indigenous self-determination, gender justice, and an end to racism; and an end to practices and persecution that displace people and force them to migrate.
Please help us bring this decent work perspective to a Green New Deal town hall near you. We have a specific $15 and Fairness petition tailored to the environmental movement that helps make the link between workers’ & migrant rights and climate justice. You can download the petition here. A complementary leaflet has been produced by the Migrant Rights Network and is available for download here.
Support the Niagara workers on strike for $15 & Fairness
Last year when the minimum wage increased, management started stealing workers’ tips at the Rainforest Cafe. Workers -- mostly women -- decided to form a union to protect themselves and now they’re on strike, and need our help. They are demanding a minimum wage of $15 an hour, respect at work, and an end to sexual violence in the workplace. Across Ontario let’s join forces to help these workers win $15 & Fairness -- please take a moment now to email the employer, click here.
Scroll below to find an action near you!
May 23
SCARBOROUGH, Door knocking outreach in Scarborough
Thursday, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Morningside Ave & Lawrence Ave E
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
May 25
MISSISSAUGA, Mississauga wants $15 and Fairness outreach
Saturday, 11: 00 AM - 12:00 PM - 100 Dundas St East
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
May 27
OTTAWA, Ottawa organizing meeting
Monday, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - 25OneCommunity
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
May 28
BRACEBRIDGE, Parry Sound-Muskoka decent work coffee meet up
Tuesday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Oliver's Coffee Corporation
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
NIPISSING, Nipissing Decent Work Panel
Tuesday, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM - White Water Gallery
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
May 29
LONDON, Train the trainer workshop: Building capacity to fight racism & xenophobia
Wednesday, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Tolpuddle Cooperative, Common Room
Click here to RSVP
June 1
TORONTO, Injured Workers' Rally
Saturday, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Queens Park
Under Ford’s watch, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board gave a multi-billion dollar gift to employers by cutting their premiums by 30%, while injured workers are denied access to the services they need. On June 1st, join the rally at Queens Park to ensure every Ontario worker gets protected if they get injured on the job.
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
ETOBICOKE, Fighting for $15 and Fairness in Mimico
Saturday, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Birds and Bee's Cafe
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
June 2
BRAMPTON, Brampton organizing meeting
Sunday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Knightsbridge Senior Citizens Centre
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
June 4
TORONTO, Toronto organizing meeting
Tuesday, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM - 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
June 8
TORONTO, West Toronto canvass at Dufferin Station
Saturday, 12:00 NOON - 1:30 PM - Northwest corner of Dufferin and Bloor
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
June 11
SCARBOROUGH, Centennial College -- Fairness for contract faculty info session
Tuesday, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM - School of Business Boardroom, Progress Campus
Click here to RSVP
June 16
TORONTO, Migrant Rights Network Day of Action to #UniteAgainstRacism
Sunday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Grange Park
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
[1] Read the Toronto Star story here.