The clock is ticking: Every. Vote. Counts.

What a month we’ve had!

Our friends at have produced a 75-second video that explains why a $15 minimum wage is a better deal than a tax cut. WATCH & SHARE it right now:


Watch on Facebook (click here) -- Watch on Youtube (click here

Our friends at The Leap have also played a big role in amplifying our message through email blasts, Facebook live interviews with Avi Lewis, and Twitter. Click here to watch Avi’s interview with Navneet Aujla at the Brampton Town Hall for $15 & Fairness (click here to see a few photos from the event).

No One is Illegal has also produced a powerful video that shows what’s at stake in the Ontario election. You can watch it and share it on Facebook by clicking here.

Join an action near you!

To see the full list of upcoming events and actions, click here. If you're organizing an event, please fill in this form (click here) and we'll post it on our website and on Facebook. Don't forget -- we have lots of downloadable leaflets, sign-up sheets, and placards/posters available on our resource page (click here). We also have a variety of non-English materials as well. And let's keep pushing out the lawn and window signs to make our support visible, available for order online (click here). 

Every vote matters

Since the Ontario election officially began, we have seen Doug Ford’s poll numbers falter and support for the Ontario NDP grow. Meanwhile, polls suggest that support for the Ontario Liberals is holding constant. This tells us there is no room for complacency. In this election, every vote will matter.

We need to redouble our efforts to reach younger workers, newcomer communities and all those in low-wage, precarious employment. These folks are more likely to be left off voters lists, less likely to be aware of what’s at stake in this election, and, consequently, less likely to feel that voting makes a difference in their lives. We need to persuade them not only to vote, but to be ready to demonstrate in support of decent work after the election on June 16 (click to RSVP now!).

When politicians come knocking on your doors and at all-candidates-debates, don't forget to ask candidates how they'll ensure $15 & Fairness. Click here for some sample questions.

Not on the Voters List? Not a problem

Help us spread the word: if someone is not on the voters list, they can still vote. They just need to show a piece of identification that has their name and residential address on it. That could be a driver’s license, statement of government benefits, band council identification, a utility or cell phone bill, or even a school tuition fee statement. For more information, including other acceptable ID, visit Elections Ontario by clicking here.

Advance Polls: May 26 to May 30

Advance polling isn’t just for folks who will be away on June 7. We can all vote early so that we can concentrate on fighting for $15 and fairness right up to the last moment. To find an advance poll near you, click here and enter your postal code. 

Candidates' Pledge: Who will support our Agenda for Decent Work?

You asked for it, you got it. We now have an online pledge form for individual candidates to sign, indicating their support for our decent work agenda. Ask your local candidates to take the Decent Work Pledge (click here to share this URL).  

June 16 – Rally for Decent work: Book a bus, organize a contingent or local action

Regardless of the electoral outcome, we need to stay mobilized after the June 7 vote. No matter which party forms the next government, they will need to see widespread support for labour law reform. Let us know you'll be there by clicking here. Help spread the word on Facebook by clicking here

Every cent matters

All our organizing efforts cost money and we are sorely in need of additional financial resources to make sure Ontario elects candidates who support $15 and Fairness. If you can make a donation -- big or small -- we will put it to excellent use. Click here to make a donation right now.

Thank you, {{ recipient.first_name_or_friend }}, for making decent work a crucial issue in Ontario!