Rally for Our Future! Climate Strike for Good Jobs

Mar 15

3pm - 5pm

York University Student Centre
4700 Keele St
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Google map and directions

Why Invest in a Future We Don't Have?!

Climate change, student debt, and a lack of decent work leaves all of our futures uncertain. Neither our government nor our university are giving us solutions; they prefer to burry their head in the sand as we pay the price for their unwillingness to plan.

So we are asking you to walk out of class, walk out of work, and join us on Friday March 15th to fight for a better future for us and future generations.

This is part of an international day of action with FridaysforFuture #Climatestrike Toronto/GTA as well as Earth Strike Canada and a provincial day of action with Fight for $15 & Fairness!!

York University Student Centre, 4700 Keele St, Toronto

Friday, March 15th 3pm - 5pm

Will you come?