We woke up to immense grief today.
49 Muslims were murdered in a mosque in New Zealand during prayer, and the death toll is rising. Before his murderous rampage, the shooter published an anti-immigrant manifesto. He praised US president Donald Trump as 'a symbol of renewed white identity' and wrote the name of the Quebec City mosque gunman on an assault-rifle, posting the image on social media.
We know that Canada is not immune.
Police reported hate crimes went up 47% in 2017 [1]. At least 300 known white supremacist organizations are currently active across the country [2]. Over 70% of the migrants in Canada are denied full access to basic labour or social rights because of unfair temporary permits [3]. Women of colour continue to earn far less than white men [4]. Black and Indigenous communities are unfairly targeted by police and imprisonment [5,6]. Meanwhile, anti-immigrant populist messaging by federal political parties increased dramatically during the recent by-elections [7,8].
But, we refuse to be divided.
That’s why, from Halifax to Vancouver, communities across Canada are coming together to #UniteAgainstRacism. Actions are taking place between March 17th and 24th.
Will you join us in taking action at this critical time? Go to http://migrantrights.ca/en/march21/ to find the event closest to you (or scroll below to see Ontario actions).
The reality is, many in our communities are struggling. Too many of us are facing job losses, low wages, and cuts to services.
Meanwhile the Ford government is forcing an austerity agenda upon us, as corporate profits go untaxed, and bad bosses get rewarded with lax labour laws and reduced fines when they break the law.
Let there be no doubt, in our communities, we are united in our desire for decent work. We are united in our concern for our children's future, the rising cost of living, and retirement.
But those at the top want to divide us. They want us fighting for scraps, and blaming migrants, people of colour, and others so we are too distracted to demand the fundamental changes our communities need.
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Those of us fighting for $15 and fairness believe that uniting against racism right now is the only way forward. This is why we will be mobilizing together with the Migrant Rights Network to counter racist and anti-immigrant rhetoric. Join us! Find an action near you at http://migrantrights.ca/en/march21/. You can participate even if you can’t attend. On March 21, 2019 post a selfie on social media with #UniteAgainstRacism, and tell your friends why you will be opposing all forms of xenophobia this year.
*** More actions are being announced, please click here for the latest listing of #UniteAgainstRacism events ***
Sunday, March 17
11am, United Steelworker Centre
RSVP | Facebook
2pm, 1665 Four Mile Creek Rd
RSVP | Facebook
Wednesday, March 20
6pm, Confederation Park
RSVP | Facebook
Thursday, March 21
5:30pm, Nathan Phillips Square
RSVP | Facebook
Sunday, March 24
2pm, 166 Frank Street
Source [1] Globe and Mail
Source [2] Toronto Star
Source [3] Government of Canada, Immigration Data
Source [4] Maclean's
Source [5] Globe and Mail
Source [6] The Conversation
Source [7] Burnaby Now
Source [8] Toronto Star