We are done with their lies. The Ford government boasts about finding $3.8 billion in savings for corporations, while blaming migrants and refugees for cuts to public services. They are throwing away millions to get out of the Beer Store contract, but claim we don’t have enough money for our schools and hospitals.
The truth is, there is more than enough for everyone. Will you join us on Sunday, June 16 to denounce the fear-mongering and deception that makes the politics of austerity possible?
Click here to join us in Guelph
Click here to join us in London
Click here to join us in Ottawa
Click here to join us in Peterborough
Click here to join us in Toronto
Here in Ontario and across the country, politicians are fueling racist and anti-immigrant sentiments to divide us, gain power, then implement a pro-corporate agenda that hurts everyone. The damage is real: acts of white-supremacy are on the rise. And while we fight one another for scraps, the super rich simply get richer.
This is why the Fight for $15 & Fairness has pledged to join the #UniteAgainstRacism mobilizations led by the Migrant Rights Network. On June 16, join the cross-country day of action! Let’s reclaim the collective power we hold when we act together to demand fairness for all.
We ALL deserve:
- Decent work.
- Quality, universal, public services.
- The right to live where we want, with our families, without fear of deportation.
- A world free of discrimination and unfairness.
- A world free of war, corporate impunity, and climate change.
Say it with us loud and clear: greedy corporations and unaccountable politicians are the problem, not migrants, not refugees, not the people of color. It is time to stop the cuts that push our communities into deeper poverty and the politics of division that undermine our power. Actions are being updated regularly, find the most current info at: www.migrantrights.ca/June16
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Not able to join us on Sunday, June 16? $15 & Fairness events are happening regularly, visit our website to see upcoming actions you can join.