Spadina Museum
285 Spadina Rd
Toronto, ON M5R 2V5
Google map and directions
Sep 29
7pm - 8:30pm
Tired of the artless remapping of Toronto? Together artists, workers, and activists can build an alternative: in that spirit, start your Nuit Blanche with the Fight For $15 and Fairness!
We'll be doing street outreach outside the Spadina Museum from 7:00-8:30 PM, Saturday, Sept. 29. Join us on that night of festivities to fight for a fair deal for Ontario's workers -- and feel free to hang around afterwards to check out
"W-O-M-A-N," a large-scale, interactive, multi-artist installation that is created, curated and managed by women.
Special guest: MPP Jill Andrew, Toronto-St Paul's