Grange Park
Beverley St & McCaul Street
Toronto, ON M5T 2W7
Google map and directions
2pm - 4pm
We are many. We are not afraid. On June 16, join us at 2pm at Grange Park to act against white supremacy and for migrant and racial justice.
In Alberta, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, right wing politicians have swept into power using a strategy of racism and divisiveness. Once in power, they are imposing wide ranging attacks on public services, the climate and our communities in the interests of the richest few. The increased racism has resulted in escalating violence, white supremacists march on the streets and hate crimes are rising. All of this gets worse as we get closer to the October federal election.
We must take to the streets to show politicians that racism cannot be an electoral strategy; to show white supremacists that their violence will not be tolerated; and to push forward a unified transformative vision for all of us. We all need decent work, universal services, permanent resident status, gender, racial and global justice. Together, we can win.
Please RSVP here:
* DECENT WORK: $15 minimum wage, full labour rights and no employer specific or time limited work permits.
* UNIVERSAL SERVICES: Full access to quality public services including healthcare, education, income security, childcare, pensions, and more for all residents.
* STATUS FOR ALL, STATUS NOW: Permanent resident status and family unity for all migrants and refugees here, and landed status on arrival for those that arrive in the future. No detentions, no deportations!
* JUST SOCIETY: Indigenous self-determination, gender justice, and an end to racism, particularly anti-Black racism and Islamophobia.
* NO DISPLACEMENT: An end to practices that force people to migrate including climate change, wars, corporate impunity, dirty mining and economic exploitation.
This event is being organized by the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change which includes individuals as well as Asian Community Aids Services, Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support), Caregiver Connections Education and Support Organization, Caregivers Action Centre, Durham Region Migrant Solidarity Network, FCJ Refugee House, GABRIELA Ontario, IAVGO Community Legal Clinic, Income Security Advocacy Centre, Migrante Ontario, No One Is Illegal – Toronto, Northumberland Community Legal Centre, OCASI – Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, OHIP For All, PCLS Community Legal Clinic, SALCO Community Legal Clinic, Students Against Migrant Exploitation, UFCW, UNIFOR, Workers Action Centre and Workers United.
It is also endorsed and being supported by SURJTO, Educators for Peace and Justice, Urban Alliance on Race Relations and CUPE 3903.
Groups wanting to support this mass action on June 16th to #UniteAgainstRacism, please organize a contingent! Email [email protected] to endorse.