Toronto wide Organizing Meeting

Jul 02

5:30pm - 8:30pm

720 Spadina Avenue
720 Spadina Ave
Unit 223
Toronto, ON M5S 2T9
Google map and directions

Despite the setback with Doug Ford’s Bill 47, we protected modest but important gains for workers. But Ford's attack on workers has not stopped; with the passing of Bill 66, he's made it easier for workers to work longer yet be paid less, and made it harder for workers to learn about their rights on the job.

Let’s build on our impressive work to date, join us on Tuesday, July 2nd – and bring a friend or co-worker!

Caucuses include:
Campus / Post-secondary
West Toronto
Decent work and health

720 Spadina Avenue, Unit 223

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019. 5:30pm doors open, 6pm meeting starts

Vero Zaragoza Christopher Roy Joy Edwards Alexandra Gilmour Daria Essop

Will you come?