En linea
Ontario, ON
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6pm - 8pm
Te invitamos a unirte al seminario en espanol web Zoom.
Sabado 11 de abril del 2020. A las 06:00 PM Hora del este (EE. UU. y Canadá)
Quieres saber tus derechos laborales en espanol en este COVID-19?
Es necesario registrarse para recibir el link del taller en linea:
https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5i5PJDFeS0-U1smMs2vNWA .
Luego de la inscripción, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación para unirse al seminario web.
- Necesitas informacion para CERB y Seguro de Desempleo?
- Que pasa si no soy elegible para ningun beneficio?
- Estas preocupadx por las detensiones de la policia en las calles?
Unete a este taller gratis en linea, en espanol y completamnete confidencial. Este taller esta abierto para todxs lxs trabajadorxs, no importa tu empleo o estatus migratorio.
Si tienes una pregunta puedes llamar completamente confidencial a Worker’s Rights linea al 416 531 0778.
Do you know your Labor Rights during covid-19? We are invite you for our Spanish webinar on zoom.
This Saturday, April 11th at 6:00 pm Eastern Time
Please RSVP here to register for the webinar:
https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5i5PJDFeS0-U1smMs2vNWA .
After the registration, you will receive email of confirmation to join the webinar.
We will talk about:
- How do you access Employment Insurance and CERB, if you lost your job because of COVID-19?
- What happens if you are not available to apply for any benefit?
- Are you worried about police detentions?
To find out, join this free online workshop the Fight for $15 & Fairness Campaign is co-hosting with the Workers' Action Centre. The webinar is open to all workers, regardless of your employment or immigration status.
If you have a question in the meantime you can call the confidential workers' rights hotline of Workers' Action Centre: (416) 531-0778.