335 Parliament St
Toronto, ON M5A 2Z3
Google map and directions
12:30pm - 2:30pm
The Decent Work and Health Network is collaborating with the Fight for $15 & Fairness campaign and Regent Park community members to host an outreach on May 5th at Dundas and Parliament!
The provincial election is coming up, and we're sending the message that Ontarians, including healthcare providers, care about fair and decent work.
This will be a great opportunity to chat with community members, meet other passionate healthcare providers, and of course, have fun!
Where and When: Meet us at 12:30 PM outside the Tim Hortons just north of Dundas and Parliament, 355 Parliament St.
You are welcome to wear healthcare-related apparel (scrubs, stethoscope, white coat, program sweatshirt, etc.) and we encourage you to make signs in advance!
Fill out this form to let us know you'll be there: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqLjawlVteeIn0-UT0CsIarDLVcWtzyEb-6V2m8h_xqbkiWw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Please invite other friends and colleagues. If you're new to the DWHN, feel free to come 15 minutes early for an overview.