Workers in every corner of Ontario are getting ready for the October 15 - Provincial Day of Action next Monday. Will you join us?
From teachers speaking out about the impact of poverty wages on students who come to school exhausted or hungry, to doctors advocating for good jobs as a public health solution - support for $15 & Fairness is growing. Even Ford voters are speaking out in support of the fight for $15 and fairness.
Evidence is in
The jobs data released by Statistics Canada on Friday makes our case even clearer: when workers have money in their pockets, they spend it, creating more business and more jobs.
Contrary to the lies spread by the Chamber of Commerce and their Big Business backers, employment is up and wages are improving in Ontario. This is true even in the Food Services and Accommodation sector where the proportion of minimum wage employment is highest and therefore most likely to be impacted by a higher minimum wage.
As David Bush explains in this must-read analysis: The data show "wage growth in the lowest wage sector in Ontario doubled the national average over the last 12 months... This is the exact opposite of what the business lobby is claiming is happening. The trend line is showing that the $15 minimum wage, far from having an adverse impact on jobs and hours for workers in the low-wage sector, is benefiting workers."
Join us on October 15 - Day of Action
With both the evidence and the public support on our side, we need to double-down our efforts to make sure that the Ontario government stands with the people against the corporate lobby groups. Right now, we are only 12 weeks away from the $15 minimum wage increase and fairer scheduling rules that are coming into effect on January 1, 2019. The government has not yet moved to roll back our gains, despite the public musings last week.
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This is why our October 15 Day of Action is more crucial than ever (sign up now for to join an event near you). Across the province, we have street, campus, workplace and online actions already planned, but we need your help to mobilize as many other people as we can. Click here to see announced events for October 15.
Constituency week - drop by your local MPP office
As we get ready for October 15, if you have 15 minutes to spare this week help us send a strong message to your local representative. This week is constituency week - where Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) are in their home ridings (find the address of your MPP here).
The constituency week is an excellent time to drop by your local MPP office and let them know you support the $15 minimum wage, fairer scheduling, job-protected emergency leave, paid sick days, equal pay, and all the other improvements contained in Bill 148 that the Ontario Chamber of Commerce is campaigning to eliminate (read our 1-page backgrounder to learn more).
What else can you do to take action:
Let's remember, every day without legislation or regulation rolling back our rights is a victory for our side. But we are in a race against the clock to let our friends, neighbours and co-workers know that our new workplace rights are in grave danger.
- Email your MPP, click here. Then mobilize your friends, family and co-workers to do the same.
- Order a window / lawn sign or a banner to display on your campus, in your workplace or neighbourhood (click here).
- Help us financially - we urgently need financial resources to fund this phase of the campaign (click here to donate). No amount is too small - or too large!
With your energy and commitment, there's every reason to believe we can convince the government to stand with the people, not with the corporate elites. But they need to hear from us, the 66% majority who support $15 and Fairness.
Let's make it happen.