Public pressure works, let's build on this momentum:

Following wide-spread reaction from environmental and community groups across Ontario, the provincial government announced last month that it would no longer proceed with Section 10 of Bill 66, which would have opened the door to the destruction of the Greenbelt.

Through protests, op-eds in local newspapers, calls and visits to Members of Provincial Parliament, the People of Ontario showed the Ford government that attacks on environmental protection will not be tolerated. We need your help to build on this momentum to get Bill 66 withdrawn in its entirety. Click here to take a quick action on Bill 66.

Workers' rights are under attack

Unfortunately Bill 66 still contains components that would harm our communities. For example, Bill 66 proposes to repeal the Toxics Reduction Act 2009 (TRA), a law that requires certain industrial facilities to consider ways to reduce the use and emissions of toxic chemicals in their operations. Repealing this act will impact workers' ability to learn about hazardous chemicals in the workplace and -- by extension -- in our communities. 

Bill 66 would also make it harder for workers to refuse excessive hours of work or receive overtime pay. Moreover, if adopted, this dangerous law would reduce workers’ access to stable pension plans; reduce child care spaces, weaken the rules that ensure child care workers are present in adequate numbers to care for our children and be properly trained; make it harder for trades and labourers in the public sector to get the protection of a union agreement; and more. 

At the same time, the government is also weakening the enforcement of existing law. After reducing fines for law breaking employers with Bill 47 last fall, Ford government has now stopped conducting proactive inspections through the Ministry of Labour. Without enforcement, our rights are merely words on paper. Click here to email Premier Ford right now.

Keep fighting for $15 & Fairness

Despite these attacks on our rights, the most recent Ontario job numbers prove what we have been saying all along. Decent work is not only good for our communities but also makes for a stronger economy. After all, when workers have money in their pockets, they spend it.

Contrary to the doomsday predictions of corporate lobbyists, Ontario's economy added nearly 80,000 jobs last year, mostly due to an increase in full-time work! (Click here to read the article that breaks down these numbers) These improvements occurred after the minimum wage increased from $11.60 to $14, and measures like paid sick days and equal pay for equal work came into effect. 

Clearly, the economic evidence and public opinion support better wages and working conditions. Now it is our job to organize the majority in Ontario who want and need decent work. Join us at an upcoming event in your community to win $15 & Fairness for ALL!

February 7th
NORTH YORK, Willowdale Outreach Blitz

Thursday, 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM | Don Mills TTC Station
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

TORONTO, Workers' Rights Workshop: Building Power at UofT
Thursday, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM | Workers Action Centre
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

February 9th
SCARBOROUGH, Scarborough Town Centre Outreach
Saturday, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM | Scarborough Town Centre
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

ETOBICOKE, Etobicoke Outreach Blitz
Saturday, 1:00 PM to 2:00PM | Kipling TTC station
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

February 11th

HAMILTON, Hamilton Organizing Meeting
Monday, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM | ATU 107 Hall 
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

February 12th
TORONTO, Health Care for Migrants: National Day of Action 
Tuesday, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM | Immigration and Refugee Board
Click here to share on Facebook

TORONTO, Data Entry Pizza Party
Tuesday, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM | Workers Action Centre
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

TORONTO, Toronto-wide Organizing Meeting
Tuesday, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM | Workers Action Centre
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

February 14th
TORONTO, 14th Annual February 14th Strawberry Ceremony for mmiwg2s
Thursday, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Toronto Police Headquarters
Click here to share on Facebook

February 16th
OTTAWA, What could a Green New Deal look like in Canada?
Saturday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM | University of Ottawa 
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

February 17th
BRAMPTON, Local $15 and Fairness Meeting
Sunday, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Knightsbridge Community and Senior Citizens Centre (1A Knightsbridge Rd)
Click here to RSVP, Click here to share on Facebook

March 21st
CROSS CANADA, International Day for the Elimination of Racism
Mark this important day in your calendar, and stay tuned for details about a local action happening near you. We are encouraging our networks to help centre migrant workers’ issues on that day. For more information, visit: