Online: #15andFairness Organizing Meeting

Mar 23

7pm - 9pm

Online via Zoom

Thanks to your incredible effort, there is growing momentum for safe and healthy workplaces for all. From paid sick days to migrant justice, and from decent wages to safe schools, your actions are making a difference! Join us for our monthly organizing meetings together with the Ontario Federation of Labour to mobilize for the month ahead.

Please RSVP here to get emailed the zoom link closer to the meeting or click below!

What: #15andFairness Online Organizing Meeting
When: March 23rd, 2021 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time
Where: Online. RSVP to get the Zoom link emailed to you

Click here at 7pm tonight!
Dial in by phone if needed
Dial the number: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588
Enter the webinar ID: 899 9087 2494 followed by #

Olivia Dooley Pam Frache Patti Dalton Adam Bernard Aleks Ivovic David Harris Cindy Tran Krisna Saravanamuttu Rajean Hoilett Peter Hogarth Jesse McLaren Bryan Thevanayagam Toni CART Kerekes Connor Grant James Clark Rayanne Lees Diana McConnell Sayeh Khajeheiyan Robert Walker myer siemiatycki Adrian Sheepers Linda Bernard Maya Shenoy Betty-Jane Anthony Breshna Durrani Munib Sajjad Nadia Rajaram Mary Green Scott Florence Mohammad Naqvi Neeran Chhoker Leah Rowlinson Will Jarvis Dianna Edwards Karunanithy KAndappoo Diana Da Silva Hailie Tattrie Nicole Abbott Michael Speers Mina Rajabi Paak Cheryl Craig Riley Vainionpaa Elise Lee Lai Hazel Jackson Samantha Ponting Ximena Escobar Nick Marchese Tim Heffernan

Will you come?