Online, RSVP for login
7pm - 9pm
The fight for safe working conditions and decent wages has never been more vital.
All the evidence shows that racialized workers have been disproportionately affected by every terrible aspect of COVID 19. Job and income loss has been greater for newcomers and for Black, Indigenous and workers of colour. Meanwhile, those who have continued to work are more likely to be on the frontlines, are less likely to be able to work from home, have decent wages, access to paid sick days, or other workplace protections.
In fact, about half of the workforce have no access to permanent paid sick days. This fact has exacerbated the public health crisis caused by COVID 19. But the crisis could intensify as September approaches and governments push schools and child care centres to re-open. Without paid, job-protected sick days, parents cannot afford to stay home with an unwell child and have little choice but to send their child to school sick. At the same time, a shocking number of workers in the early childhood, elementary, secondary and post-secondary education systems themselves don't have paid sick days!
Meanwhile, the federal government just announced it will end CERB - the emergency benefits that have been a lifeline for millions of us who lost our jobs or our income as a result of COVID-19. We know it will take many months before the economy is working at full capacity, and millions will continue to need support. It’s urgent we demand adequate income for all, for as long as necessary.
Don't miss the August 18 monthly online organizing meeting and help us fight for decent work for everyone. None of us are safe unless all of us are.
What: #15andFairness Online Organizing Meeting
When: Tuesday August 18th, 7PM - 9PM
Where: Online. RSVP to get the Zoom link emailed to you once you register