Online, RSVP for Zoom login
7pm - 8:30pm
During COVID-19, Fight for $15 & Fairness organizing meetings are going online! Join us at 7:00 PM on April 28, to connect with decent work advocates from across Ontario and strategize new ways to pressure politicians to protect our communities.
We know workers need H.E.L.P. (Health Emergency Labour Protections). Essential workers whose labour we rely on continue to be denied essential protections like paid sick days while putting their lives at risk every day. Hundreds of thousands of workers continue to be excluded from crucial income supports like the $500 weekly Canada Emergency Response Benefit.
We need your creativity and time to make sure elected officials feel the pressure to take urgent action! Join us on Tuesday to get involved!
*Register below to receive the webinar link via email!* (You can also dial-in by phone).
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