With Premier Doug Ford officially sworn in last week, there's no time to lose in the fight for $15 and fairness. As we have been saying since the election, Ontario’s new government has no mandate to take away our $15 minimum wage.
60% of voters did NOT vote for Ford's plan to cancel the $15 minimum wage, and more than 40% of eligible voters did not vote at all.
Doug Ford campaigned to be “for” the people. It is our job to remind the premier, his cabinet, and every MPP that we ARE the people and we expect, demand and deserve a $15 minimum wage and decent work for all.
Momentum is with us
Over the past six months, our network of $15 & Fairness supporters has doubled. Every day we are getting phone calls and emails from brand new people who want to get involved. Let's remember, that just 9 days after the provincial election, we succeeded in getting over 2,000 people to march from the Ministry of Labour to Queen's Park (read a recap of the June 16 Decent Work Rally here).
Clearly, there is an incredible energy in our communities to defend the workplace rights we have won through grassroots organizing, and push for more! With 2 out 3 people in Ontario supporting a $15 minimum wage, imagine what we can accomplish if we continue our organizing on the ground.
Announcing the new petition (and other tools)
To amplify and mobilize our supporters, we have a new petition ready to go (download here). This is a really important tool! Petitions help us demonstrate to politicians just how much of a public support exists for a $15 minimum wage and fair labour laws (so they know to keep their hands off). But also, through the petition, we are able to invite every new person who signs it to come and join our campaign. In fact so many of you reading this email, joined our campaign by signing a petition.
Along with the petition, we also have new posters that can be printed on 11" x 17" paper and used to decorate the province, especially around the offices of Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs). Let's put as many of these posters up as possible, to send a clear message to the new government: WE are the people, and WE expect and demand paid sick days, equal pay for equal work, fair scheduling, union rights, and so much more!
Click here to access these and other new (11x17) posters
Let's get organized!
In the weeks ahead, it is crucial that we keep the heat on Members of Provincial Parliament. It is not an option to wait until the provincial legislature convenes, we must act now.
- Spread the word: Our rights at work are at stake but not everyone is aware of this. Help spread the word by talking to your friends, co-workers and family members. Better yet, use the petition as a conversation tool and ask them to sign if they agree with you.
Download the new $15 & Fairness petition (legal size paper)
Organize a local petitioning action: Grab a friend and head to a busy intersection in your neighbourhood to talk to other residents and ask them to sign the $15 & Fairness petition. After you are done, either mail the petition to the campaign office or drop them off at your local MPP's office (make sure to photocopy them first though, and cut off the personal contact details before you deliver them).
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Ask your Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) to be a decent work champion: 30 MPPs have already signed our pledge to be a decent work champion. Let's encourage others to do the same. Share this link with your local representative to invite them to sign on.
- Order a lawn or a window sign: The election may be over, but $15 & Fairness lawn signs stay in the ground! Help us greet newly elected MPPs by decorating our neighbourhoods with window and lawn signs. You can order these signs as well as banners here. If you are a member of a community organization, health centre, union local or place of worship, please ask whether they would like to take and display a banner too!
Join us at an upcoming event:
More events are being confirmed. If you are organizing an event in your community please send us the details by filling out this handy form so we can promote it.
Tuesday, July 10th
Toronto Organizing Meeting
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM | 720 Spadina Ave, suite 223 | Click here for the map.
We are the people that premier-designate Doug Ford says he represents, so let’s get him prepared to add decent work to the agenda. Join us for this next organizing meeting to find out how we can make this happen and what is next in our campaign.
To RSVP, click here & to spread the word on Facebook, click here.
Saturday, July 14th
$15 & Fairness Contingent at People’s Rally
10:30 AM - 11:30 PM | North west corner of University & College | Click here for the map.
A big rally is going to be held at Queen’s Park in support of public services and the needs of Ontario communities. We are organizing a $15 & Fairness contingent with colorful banners and placards to participate and represent the issues of decent work. Join us, we will meet at 10:30 and the rally will start at 11:00.
To RSVP, click here & to spread the word on Facebook, click here.
Sunday, July 15th
Discussion: Transformative Labour Organizing in Precarious Times
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM | 720 Spadina Ave, suite 223 | Click here for the map.
Join the Research Committee on Labour Movements (RC44labour.org) and the Workers’ Action Centre for a series of public discussions about transformative organizing efforts taking place in Canada, South Africa, South Korea and the United States. Let's rethink strategies for building movement power from the ground up. This is a FREE event, but space is limited so please RSVP.
To RSVP and learn more about the speakers, click here.
Tuesday, July 17th
Toronto Phonebank
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM | 720 Spadina Ave, suite 223 | Click here for the map.
Help us call the hundreds of $15 & Fairness supporters who have joined the campaign in recent weeks. We will thank them, provide an update and ask them to get involved by joining a future action. We will have sample scripts to support you, so come out and don’t be shy! Please let us know you will be there by RSVP’ing so we can make sure to get enough snacks!
To RSVP, click here & to spread the word on Facebook, click here.
Wednesday, July 18th
Discussion: Transformative Labour Organizing in Precarious Times
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | 720 Spadina Ave, suite 223 | Click here for the map.
Join the Research Committee on Labour Movements (RC44labour.org) and the Workers’ Action Centre for a series of public discussions about transformative organizing efforts taking place in Canada, South Africa, South Korea and the United States. Let's rethink strategies for building movement power from the ground up. This is a FREE event, but space is limited so please RSVP.
To RSVP and learn more about the speakers, click here.
Sunday, July 22nd
Brampton Organizing Meeting
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Brampton Soccer Centre | Click here for the map.
Thank you to everyone from Brampton who came out to the Rally for Decent Work! We are ready and organized to show premier-elect Doug Ford that WE are the people who he represents. Join us for this next organizing meeting to find out how we can make this happen and what is next in our campaign.
To RSVP, click here & to spread the word on Facebook, click here.