For this Mother’s Day, join us in wishing $15 & Fairness for all those who parent and take care of our communities!
Too many mothers in Ontario struggle to make a living in the absence of affordable child care, equal pay for equal work, access to Employment Insurance, and a shortage of hours. So many care related jobs that are primarily done by women are also dominated by low wages. 25% of childcare workers earn minimum wage that puts them below the poverty line. Personal support workers care for our families tirelessly, while getting under-paid and over-worked by temp agencies. Meanwhile migrant caregivers are excluded from the most basic protections under current labour laws.
Following the release of the Ontario Budget, we asked you to email Premier Kathleen Wynne, and demand action for decent work. Hundreds of you did, thank you!
Right now we are at a crucial point where we must keep up the pressure on our elected representatives.The two-year review of Ontario’s labour laws is about to be concluded when the final recommendations are published later this month. Now is the time to introduce legislation to reform our outdated laws, we cannot wait until the 2018 election.
Please take a moment now to sign the letter to Premier Wynne. You already signed it? Then forward this email to 3 care providers you know to help win fairness for all.
Like Stevie says, we have to claim our own voice and make space for these issues to bring change. This Mother’s Day let’s send an email to Premier Wynne to call for laws that ensure $15 and Fairness, mothers in Ontario deserve nothing less.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Join one near you!
There are numerous actions and events being organized across Ontario! If you don’t see an action in your area, let us know how we can help you get one going!
Saturday, May 13
Stroller Brigade 4 Child Care
10:00AM – 12:00PM | Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St. West | Click here for a map
Early Childhood Educators and staff who care for and educate our youngest learners deserve professional pay & decent work!! This Mother’s Day, ECEs, parents, children and advocates are joining together for a massive Stroller Brigade to amplify our calls for Professional Pay & Decent Work! Come out, bring your strollers, family and noise-makers (tamborines, whistles, shakers, drums)!
To RSVP & share on Facebook, click here.
East End Outreach Blitz
1:00PM – 3:00PM | Pape Subway Station | Click here for a map
Are you ready for another fun outreach action to talk to local residents about the urgent need for $15 & Fairness in our communities? Come out and join us this Saturday. We will be collecting signatures on the campaign petition.
To RSVP & share on Facebook, click here.
Oshawa Fight for $15 and Fairness Planning Meeting
3:30PM – 5:30PM | United Steelworkers of America | Click here for a map
Join members of We Are Oshawa to help plan out the next phase of the Fight for $15 and Fairness campaign in Oshawa. Meeting starts at 3:30PM at the Steelworkers Hall (115 Albert St). All are welcome and the meeting is family-friendly!
To RSVP & share on Facebook, click here.
Wednesday, May 17
Kingston $15 & Fairness Petitioning
5:00PM – 6:00PM | Barrack & King | Click here for a map
Join us at the Food Basics/LCBO at Barrack & King for a $15 and Fairness petition session. We will have flyers, posters, buttons, and a table set up. This is a fantastic way to check out the campaign, join us! Email [email protected] for more info.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Thursday, May 18
Organizing Meeting – Fight for $15 & Fairness Ottawa
6:30PM – 8:00PM | 25One Community, 251 Bank St, 2nd floor | Click here for a map
The labour review recommendations should be out any day now, and that means we need to turn up the heat on our MPPs to make sure they start changing our labour laws now. Join us to plan our next actions – MPP lobbying, community outreach, and building our organizing skills! For more info email us at [email protected].
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Tuesday, May 23
Toronto-Wide Organizing Meeting
5:30PM – 8:00PM | 720 Spadina Ave, Suite 223 | Click here for a map
Come out to the next city-wide Fight for $15 and Fairness organizing meeting! We know we have the majority with us, but we need to organize this sentiment and put pressure on our MPPs to make sure we get the legislative changes we need in 2017!
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.
Wednesday, May 24
$15 & Fairness Townhall at York South-Weston
6:00PM – 8:30PM | Jane Street Hub, 1541 Jane St. | Click here for a map
West Enders, join us for an evening to get inspired and organized! This will be a great opportunity to learn more about the Fight for $15 & Fairness campaign, the lived realities of people in precarious jobs, and plan next steps to make a difference in our neighbourhood. Please send an email to [email protected] to let us know you are coming, so we can plan for numbers. Light refreshments will be provided.
To RSVP & share on Facebook, click here.
Sunday, May 28
Davenport $15 & Fairness Outreach Blitz
12:30PM – 2:00PM | 1094 Bloor St W (Tim Horton’s) | Click here for a map
Let’s spread the word and build a movement for $15 & Fairness in West Toronto. We need to send a message to our elected Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs), including MPP Cristina Martins in Davenport, that we need $15 and Fairness in 2017!
To RSVP & share on Facebook, click here.
Tuesday, May 30
Faith Leaders’ Statement for $15 & Fairness Public Release
In fall last year, leaders of a variety of faith communities launched a statement in support of $15 & Fairness. Since than a total of 137 leaders have signed on, demanding labour law reform. On Tuesday, May 30, we will publicly release these signatures with a press conference at Queen’s Park. While we surpassed our initial goal of 100, we are confident that many more faith leaders will want to add their names to this statement. We’re inviting you to help circulate it among your own faith networks. Faith leaders may add their names by signing a printable version that can be emailed to us.
Injured Workers’ Day – Thursday, June 1
Workers’ Comp Is a Right! Queen’s Park Rally
11:30AM – 1:00PM | Queen’s Park | Click here for a map
When workers are injured or made ill on the job, they should receive full compensation. They should be treated with dignity and respect, and provided with the support they need to get back on their feet. With so many workers in precarious jobs, we cannot be silent in the face of a workers’ compensation system that is more concerned with its own bottom line than with protecting the well-being of injured workers. Join us on the Injured Workers’ Day to demand fairness for all!
To RSVP & share on Facebook, click here.
Panel: Fighting Back Against Toxic and Unsafe Work
2:00PM – 4:00PM | OCAD Auditorium 100 McCaul St, Rm 190| Click here for a map
All workers have a right to a work environment that is free from violence, harassment, toxic exposures, and injury hazards. And when injuries or illnesses happen on the job, we have a right to workers’ compensation. But today, those rights are being violated by WSIB, while the government stays idle. Join us for a panel discussion featuring workers who are organizing in different sectors to build a worker-led front for safe work and full compensation. Food will be provided at the event.
To RSVP & share on Facebook, click here.