Organize Now for a Decent Work Future

Jun 23

7pm - 9pm

Online (and by phone dial-in)

The COVID-19 crisis has put a spotlight on the unacceptable wages and working conditions of the frontline workers who keep us fed, cared for, and protected. On Tuesday, June 23 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, please join the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Fight for $15 and Fairness for this online organizing meeting. SCROLL BELOW TO REGISTER.

Whether we are farm workers or couriers, health workers or cleaners, security guards or garbage collectors, union or non-union workers -- every single one of us deserves decent wages and working conditions, including paid sick days, health and safety, and proper protective equipment.

We need your creativity and time to make sure elected officials feel the pressure to take urgent action! *Register below to receive the webinar link via email!* (You can also dial-in by phone).

Nadine MacKinnon Ella Bedard Gonzalo Riva mary gellatly Susan Rab Kyle Hoskin Butterfly Sabrina GoPaul Peter Hogarth David Bush Megan Franklyne Megan Sicard Megan Brown Loretta Fisher Lisa Descary Matt Cohen Bruce Lanktree Nadira Begum Allison Burket Elise Lee Lai Catherine Jeffery Orion Keresztesi Michael Speers Susan Anderson Zaid Noorsumar Maryam Yunus Hanna Dunnigan Natalia Segal margaret bourgoin stacey papernick Linda Bernard Jennifer Forde Juana Douglas Carolina Jimenez Yana Sadeghi David Harris Mikan Nadarajah Sarah Ramsey Randall Terada Diana McConnell Ella Klein Ileana Murray Kaitlin Milroy Matt Nurse Kim Hume Jackie Esmonde B. Hafeza Rujabally wilfred szczesny Shandel Valiquette

Will you come?