Fight for $15 & Fairness Campaign organizers will be available to comment on Bill 148: Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act during the clause-by-clause review of the act taking place at Queen’s Park today.
The bill proposes several key labour law reforms, including: a $15 minimum wage to be phased in by January 1, 2019; 10 emergency leave days for everyone, 2 of which will be paid; and measures to make it easier for workers to join unions.
During the final round of public hearings on Bill 148, a wide variety of stakeholders deputed in support of the legislation, including several small business owners. Additionally, a broad coalition of community and labour groups, including faith leaders, health providers, students, union leaders and disability advocates endorsed the amendments put forward by the Fight for $15 & Fairness.
Spokespeople from the campaign will be closely watching the deliberations of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs as they consider final amendments to Bill 148 today, and are available for comment. For more information and to schedule an interview, please contact:
Deena Ladd, Coordinator of the Workers’ Action Centre
Cell: 416-836-2379 Email: [email protected]
Mary Gellatly, Community Legal Worker at Parkdale Community Legal Services
Cell: 416-833-9510 Email: [email protected]
To learn more about the Fight for $15 & Fairness Campaign, visit: http://www.15andfairness.org/