Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Queen's University
68 University Ave
Kingston, ON K7L 3N9
Google map and directions
7pm - 9pm
Doug Ford is gutting Ontario's labour laws, even as more of us are facing precarious employment. Join us for a panel discussion of freelancer organizing, Bill 148, the Fight for $15, migrant labour, the gig economy and more, while finding ways to connect our struggles as precarious workers and fight back.
Featuring Panelists:
Roxanne Dubois - Unifor
Craig Berggold - PSAC Local 901 President and Ontario Academic Representative
Sanober Umar - Doctoral Candidate, Queen's University
Lesley Jamieson - Fight for $15
Doug Nesbitt -
Brought to you by the Canadian Freelance Union with the support of PSAC Local 901.
Wednesday, Nov 7. 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Room: B201 in Mackintosh-Corry Hall. Queens University. 68 University Avenue. Kingston.