Robert Sutherland Hall
138 Union St W
Room 551
Kingston, ON K7L 2P1
Google map and directions
Feb 11
6pm - 7:30pm
You're invited to our next Kingston strategy meeting. Last year, Ford rolled back workers rights by passing Bill 47. He took away your paid sick days, fairer schedules and a $15 minimum wage. This year, we are determined to push back against this government and continue to build a movement fighting for decent work.
New to the campaign? This meeting is a great opportunity to learn about the $15 and Fairness campaign and help plan future outreach actions. Everybody's welcome.
Monday, February 11th, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Room 551 - Robert Sutherland Hall, 138 Union St W, Kingston
Contact us at [email protected] for more information.