Kingston Regional Strategy meeting

Feb 11

6pm - 7:30pm

Robert Sutherland Hall
138 Union St W
Room 551
Kingston, ON K7L 2P1
Google map and directions

You're invited to our next Kingston strategy meeting. Last year, Ford rolled back workers rights by passing Bill 47. He took away your paid sick days, fairer schedules and a $15 minimum wage. This year, we are determined to push back against this government and continue to build a movement fighting for decent work. 

New to the campaign? This meeting is a great opportunity to learn about the $15 and Fairness campaign and help plan future outreach actions. Everybody's welcome. 

Monday, February 11th, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM 

Room 551 - Robert Sutherland Hall, 138 Union St W, Kingston

Contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Will you come?