Hamilton Organizing Meeting

Jan 21

7pm - 9pm

Hamilton Central Public Library
55 York Blvd
Hamilton, Ontario L8R 3K1
Google map and directions

We hope you all had a Happy Holidays!

At the last meeting of the $15 and Fairness Hamilton, we agreed to explore doing educational outreach about the rights workers have under the ESA (those that are left). While Ford took many away (minimum wage increase, paid sick days, pay equity etc..), others such as increased vacation pay remain.

Importantly, one of the items Ford struck down was the obligation of employers to post ESA rules in the workplace.

We discussed addressing that by developing some short snappy lit outlining what rights non-union employees have and blitzing certain workplaces - Tim's, McDonalds, Limeridge or Jackson Sq.

If you are interested in helping out with this we will be meeting on Monday, Jan. 21 at 7pm on the 4th Floor of the Central Library on York St.

Hamilton Central Library, 55 York Blvd, Hamilton. 4th Floor

Monday, January 21st 7pm to 9pm

Will you come?