From street parties to lawn signs: let's get organized

There's a lot at stake in the June 7 Ontario election. It’s urgent that we elect candidates who will protect and extend our workplace rights.

Click here to order your lawn sign.

That means taking on the Big Business lobby, raising the profile of the Fight for $15 and Fairness, and having as many conversations as possible with our co-workers and neighbours about why all Ontario urgently needs a $15 minimum wage and decent work for all.

Here's everything you need to get organized: 

  • Put up signs (and invite your neighbours and co-workers to do the same).
    • You can order lawns signs and banners by clicking here,
    • Or click here to download and print your own 11''x17'' window signs. 
  • Talk to your friends, coworkers and neighbours about our new rights and help us distribute this 3-fold brochure.
  • Host a “Know your new rights” workshop in your community. If you think you can bring together at least 15 people, the Workers' Action Centre can send workshop facilitators to you. Send an email to [email protected] to make arrangements. (Please note, 3 hours is ideal for the workshop and a PowerPoint projector is essential.)
  • Make our demands clear to your local candidates. At local all-candidates meetings or when a candidate comes knocking on your door, tell them $15 and Fairness is a voting issue for you. Click here to download some sample questions for candidates.
  • Start organizing now for the June 16 Decent Work Day of Action. We need to mobilize as soon as possible after the election to send a message that Ontarians expect our elected politicians to protect and extend our workplace rights. Help us spread the word on Facebook by clicking here.

Are you organizing an event?

If you are organizing an event, workshop, action, street party or picnic, input the details here. This helps us develop a centralized list of actions and allows us to promote them through our province-wide social media and electronic networks.

Join us at an event near you:

**If you'd like to order a lawn sign (or a few) but would like to avoid the cost of delivery, you can arrange to pick them up at an upcoming $15 & Fairness action. See what actions are coming up near you and order your sign today.

Saturday, April 28

Understanding Islamophobia, Injuries, and Violence in the Workplaces.
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM | Islamic Information & Dawah Centre, 1168 Bloor St W | Click here for the map 
Come mark the National Day of Mourning with us. Following a spoken-poetry piece performed by activist Shadiya Aidid to commemorate the workers who have died or got injured on the job, a panel discussion will take place. We are demanding safe, healthy workplaces for all, with adequate support and compensation for those made ill or injured on the job. Workplaces must be free from harassment, discrimination and Islamophobia. It is also time to hold bad bosses accountable! Light refreshments will be provided. 
To RSVP and share on Facebook click here.

Sikh Heritage Month Closing
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM | Brampton City Hall - 2 Wellington St W | Click here for the map
Sikh Heritage Month is being celebrated in Brampton all of April. We will have a table at the closing event and will get the opportunity to speak to hundreds of community members in Brampton about the Fight for $15 and Fairness and the upcoming elections. Join us to spread the word!
To RSVP, contact Navi at 416-837-3871
Help us spread the word on Facebook click here.

Sunday, April 29th 

Toronto Vaisakhi Parade Downtown Toronto
10:30 AM - 1:30 PM | Enercare Centre - 100 Princes Blvd | Click here for the map
We will have an information table set up where the Vaisakhi Parade begins. There will be thousands of people from around the GTA and this will be a great opportunity to get the word out about our new rights and organizing for the upcoming elections! When you walk in the building, there will be a section set aside just for information tables. You can find us at the table with the Brampton $15 and Fairness banner. You will need to cover your head with a bandana or scarf. 
To RSVP, contact Navi at 416-837-3871.
Help us spread the word on Facebook click here.

Community Pizza Bake and Pop-up Workers' Rights Clinic
1:30 PM | Bayshore Park Community Garden - 175 Woodridge Crescent | Click here for the map
As part of Mayworkers Ottawa, come bake your own pizza and chat with us about your rights at work, to learn more about the new changes to labour law under Bill 148 (Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act), and what can be done to protect these new rights.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.

Monday April 30th 

Know Your Rights Workshop
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | The Hub - 4333 Queen St | Click here for the map
Learn about Your Rights under the Employment Standards Act, about the $ 15 minimum wage and fairness and why we need stronger laws protecting us at work so that we can live better. Snacks are served at 6:00 pm. Speakers from the Workers' Action Centre start at 6:30 pm followed by Q & A.
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.

Tuesday, May 1st

TAWC - YYZ May Day Street Festival
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM | Toronto Pearson Airport Terminal 1 | Click here for the map
Join us on International Workers' Day, Tuesday, May 1st on the Departures level of Terminal 1. We meet at the Inukshuks at 1pm.  Toronto Airport Workers' Council will have guest speakers, an amazing hip-hop artist, and lots of sweet treats for you to enjoy with your friends, family, and co-workers. 
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.

Thursday, May 3rd

Regent Park Public Outreach
1:30 PM - 5:30 PM | Outside Tim Hortons, 555 Sherbourne St| Click here for a map
Meet us in front of Tim Hortons to talk to our neighbours about the new rights we have won through Bill 148: Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act. Come out, bring your friends and family!
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.

International Student Drop-In + Free Legal Info
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Workers Action Centre - 720 Spadina Avenue | Click here for the map
Are you on a study permit? Or know someone who is? Do you have problems at work or with immigration or at your school? Come to this session to get free legal advice, and connect with others in your situation. 
To save your spot, email [email protected]
To spread the word on Facebook, click here.

Know your Rights Workshop
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM | University of Ottawa - Room 215 at the University Centre | Click here for the map
Join us for a workshop on workers' rights! We will be outlining your new rights under Bill 148 and discussing what can be done to protect them. As of January 1, 2018 workers' rights have changed in Ontario! But which rights, and by how much? How do you stand up for your rights against bad bosses? Come out, enjoy some snacks, learn about your rights and how we can enforce them together!
To RSVP and share Facebook, click here, or email [email protected] 

Friday, May 4th 


Phone-bank for Scarborough's Decent Work Forum
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Workers Action Centre - 720 Spadina Avenue | Click here for the map
Join us on the phone bank to reach out to our supporters and allies to invite them to the Scarborough Decent Work Forum on May 10. No experience with phone-banking necessary!
To RSVP click here.

Saturday, May 5th

Health Providers Outreach Blitz at Regent Park
12:30 PM- 2:30 PM | Tim Hortons - 335 Parliament St | Click here for the map
We're sending the message that Ontarians, including healthcare providers, care about fair and decent work. This will be a great opportunity to chat with community members, meet other passionate healthcare providers, and of course, have fun! You are welcome to wear healthcare-related apparel (scrubs, stethoscope, white coat, program sweatshirt, etc.) and we encourage you to make signs in advance!
To RSVP, fill out this google form or share the Facebook event

West End Mass Outreach Blitz 
12:30 PM - 3:30 PM | 1094 Bloor St W, Toronto | Click here for the map
Join us to hit the streets to make decent work the defining issue. We'll be meeting at the Tim Hortons by Dufferin subway station before having a mass blitz of the neighbourhood to speak to our neighbours on what is at stake this election. The elec
To RSVP and share on Facebook click here.

Fun Outreach at Pacific Mall
1:00 - 3:00 PM | 4300 Steeles Ave East | Click here for the map

Please join us for this fun action that will take place at Pacific Mall. We will do leafletting, postering, "broadcasting", chatting, music from boombox, and lots of laughter ... Everyone is needed! Help us spread the word about our new labour rights and why they are at stake.
To RSVP and share on Facebook click here.

Door-to-door outreach
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Canadian Tire - 4630 Sheppard Ave E | Click here for the map
We are pulling out all the stops to make sure that Decent Work and the Fight for $15 & Fairness is the central issue in this election. Join us for a door-to-door canvass to speak to our neighbours about whats at stake this election and to invite them to our Scarborough Decent Work Forum on May 10. 
To RSVP, click here.

Sunday, May 6th

Malton Vaisakhi Parade
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Siri Guru Singh Sabha - 7280 Airport Rd | Click here for the map
There will be a huge celebration and parade in Malton to celebrate Vaisakhi. We will have a table at the event and will get the opportunity to speak to thousands of people about the Fight for $15 and Fairness and the upcoming elections. We need your help! Join us to help spread the word.
To RSVP, click here.

Tuesday, May 8th

Toronto-Wide Organizing Meeting
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
 | 720 Spadina Ave, Suite 223 | Click here for a map
There is a provincial election coming up in June and we know that the corporate lobby and their candidates are already organizing to roll back the labour law reforms we've won. That's why we must stay mobilized to win $15 & Fairness for ALL workers. Come to the next city-wide Fight for $15 and Fairness organizing meeting!
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.

Employment Standards Trainer Workshop
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Sutherland Room at John Deutsch University Centre 99 University Ave | Click here for the map

In conjunction with the Workers' Action Centre in Toronto, Kingston $15 and Fairness is hosting a Training Session for union leaders and community advocates on the new employment laws brought in with Bill 148. This training session is intended to give participants the tools and knowledge to be able to do their own Know Your Rights workshops for workers in their workplaces or the communities they serve.
Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] or via Facebook by clicking here.

Wednesday, May 9th

Regent Park Phone-banking
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
 | CRC Advocacy office, 40 Oak St| Click here for a map
Hundreds of people in Regent Park have signed the petition in support of our $15 & Fairness Demands. Join us in calling them to update them about the new labour rights we've won and why they are at stake during the June 7 Ontario election. No experience in phone banking is necessary. Please sign up so we know you are coming.
To let us know you are coming click here.

Thursday, May 10th 

Decent Work Forum
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Scarborough Civic Centre (Committee Rm), 150 Borough Dr | Click here for the map
What does this provincial election mean for workers in Scarborough and across Ontario? Join a discussion of the rights we've won, what's at stake, and which political parties support a $15 minimum wage and decent work for all. 
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.

Saturday, May 12th 

Canvas at Jane and Wilson
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Coffee Time at Jane and Wilson | Click here for the map
Let's make the $15 minimum wage and fairness at work the deciding issues this provincial election! We'll speak to workers on the street, and at their doorsteps, about how our wages and working conditions will be impacted based on who wins the election. Join us!
To RSVP and share on Facebook, click here.

Sunday, May 13th 

Workers' Meeting
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Terry Miller Recreation Centre, 1295 Williams Pkwy | Click here for the map
We are hosting a community event to talk about the issues at work that affect us all in Brampton. For example, we know that many temp agency workers are used by client companies for years at a time without ever getting directly hired – this has to stop! We will be inviting all of the Brampton candidates in the provincial election to come hear our stories. We want them to tell us how they are going to ensure decent work for our communities.
To let us know you're coming, click here.
To spread the word on Facebook, click here.