Breakfast Rally at Court: Support Justice for Foodora Couriers

Nov 06

8:30am - 9:30am

Ontario Labour Relations Board
505 University Ave
Toronto, ON M5G 2P2
Google map and directions

Gig Workers Rise! Breakfast Rally to Support Justice for Foodora Couriers at the OLRB

When: November 6th, 2019, 8:30am (with coffee and snacks)
Where: Out-front of Ontario Labour Relations Board at 505 University Ave

Foodora couriers will be heading to court on November 6th as the next step in the historic fight for unionization. November 6th will begin the official fight on the misclassification of gig workers. As the first gig workers to unionize in Canada, Foodsters are making history, fighting for better work for all. Come out to show your support for worker rights in the gig economy! | #FoodstersUnited #Justice4Couriers #GigWorkersRise

Aleks Ivovic

Will you come?