On Friday May 15, organizers with the Fight for $15 & Fairness started meeting with MPPs across Ontario to bring our campaign message to them directly. We’re telling MPPs that workers in Ontario deserve a $15 an hour minimum wage that brings them above the poverty line, with no exemptions for any worker; that workers deserve decent hours and schedules they can live on, and all workers should get equal pay for doing the same jobs; that at least 7 days of paid sick days a year is the least that workers and all Ontarians need to be healthier; that workers deserve respect and protection on the job when they stand up for their rights, including making it easier to join unions; and that labour laws should protect everyone without exception, not let employers download their responsibility for workers’ rights on to temp agencies and sub-contractors, and that the laws need better enforcement.
The government is currently reviewing existing labour laws to see how they can be updated and strengthened. The Fight for $15 & Fairness will continue meeting with MPPs throughout the province next week and in to the summer to send a clear message to them that now, more than ever, is the time for $15 & Fairness, that now is the time for decent work!
If you support the Fight for $15 & Fairness, book a meeting with your MPP. Send us your updates and post your photos on our facebook page and on twitter. Check back here regularly to get updates about the campaign and how you can get involved.
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