In your neighborhoods
12am - 11pm
Too many workers who keep us clean, fed and healthy, still lack the basic protection of paid sick days. Nurses, cleaners, paramedics, garbage workers, grocery store workers, and so many more CANNOT AFFORD TO STAY HOME without pay, even when they have symptoms.
Join us in demanding at least 7 paid, permanent sick days for everyone - plus (+) an additional 14 during outbreaks. Join us on May 21 to demand this life saving protection for all.
1) Sign up below ⬇️.
2) Mark your calendar to take action on May 21 for 21 paid sick days, and spread the word:
- Chalk your sidewalks.
- Download our leaflet announcing the May 21 action, and slip it in your neighbours' mailboxes. Or get the poster and put it up on your street, at your local grocery store and more!
- Share the event using the hashtag #PaidSickLeaveSavesLives - invite your friends!
3) Get ready to show your support on May 21
- On Thursday, May 21, no matter where and what time, we want to hear from you about why you support paid sick days for all. Take a selfie with, post a video, make your sign, tag your frontline hero. Sign up now to receive more details on how we'll raise our voices on May 21.