Are you a part-timer, “just-in-time” hire, temp worker? Ontario’s retail and service sector workers are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Families are unable to make ends meet because of insufficient hours, ever-changing schedules and poverty wages.
This needs to stop!
Workers deserve a $15 minimum wage and fairness on the job. Join us in calling on Premier Kathleen Wynne to make decent jobs and wages her New Year’s resolution.
- Email the Premier to urge her to champion our decent work agenda in 2016.
Send a tweet to the Premier here tell her your holiday wishes for #15andFairness. Feel free to put the sample tweet below in your own words.
Dear @Kathleen_Wynne: Please make #15andFairness your New Year’s resolution for 2016! #OnPoli #CanLab #DecentWork
- If you are in Toronto, come out to today’s Holiday Caroling event between 11:30 and 1 pm at the Eaton Centre.
Wherever you are, keep your eyes on the #15andFairness Twitter feed at 1 pm for a surprise ending! With the provincial government reviewing employment laws, we have a real opportunity to improve working conditions for every Ontarian.
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