Hart House
9 Hart House Cir
Toronto, ON M5S 3H3
Google map and directions
Feb 16
9:30am - 11am

On Tuesday, February 16, the Ontario Legislative Assembly is resuming. Let’s show Premier Ford that the whole province expects him to do his job by legislating paid sick days for all of us.
Our Car Caravan will circle Queen’s Park, and we will make as much noise as we can to make sure they hear us loudly and inside -- and out. Let us know right now if you can help with the car caravan by registering right now.
We will be meeting at Hart House at the University of Toronto at 9:30 am. We will take the next 30 minutes to decorate our cars. At 10:00 am, we will head off together to bring our urgent message to Queen’s Park, and we will finish our action by 11:00 am.
How you can help with the Car Caravan:
- Put a car in the caravan. Please register here if you can: https://forms.gle/yUvV315pfRXPS9rJ6
- Amplify on social media - feel free to use: #LightitUP for #PaidSickDays because #PaidSickDaysSaveLives I expect my MPP to support Bill 239, which provides all workers with seven permanent paid sick days and an additional 14 paid sick days during public health outbreaks.
- Call your MPP directly (even if you’ve already called them - ask for a meeting)
- Talk to your friends, neighbours, and co-workers about why we all need paid sick days