Thanks to many people like yourself speaking out, the federal government announced the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) on Wednesday. At $2,000 for a month ($500 per week), this income support for COVID-19 is better than what was previously announced and will have a much simpler application process.
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While this is a positive step, critical improvements are still needed to make sure everyone can access this minimum support. Too many of us who are already receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits get much less than $500 per week and it's not at all clear whether those of us who've been forced to work cash jobs will have any access to these supports.
Fortunately, it's not too late for our elected representatives to extend these protections to all: Click here now to phone them.
The federal ministers who make up the Cabinet are currently deciding who will be eligible for these minimum income supports. If we act immediately, we can influence the program design. Please take a moment right now to speak to a member of the cabinet, to make sure everyone who needs it receives at least $500 in weekly benefits ($2,000 per month).
Together with our friends at the Migrant Rights Network, we've created a tool that will allow you to phone a member of the Cabinet with just one-click. Simply type in your phone number, and the system will dial and connect you directly to the voicemail of a Federal Minister. Visit our website now to take action: www.15andfairness.org/covid19_callcabinet As you complete the action, you will be given some example speaking points to support you.
During this pandemic we know that we can’t protect anyone without protecting everyone. Make your call now! Join us in urging the Cabinet to ensure this income support is available to ALL regardless of immigration or past employment status.
To read our full response to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit announced on Wednesday, click here.
The Fight for $15 and Fairness continues to call for 21 paid emergency leave days for all workers (7 paid days permanently and an additional 14 paid days during pandemics) and for a dramatic improvement in access to -- and the amount of support provided by -- Employment Insurance. The full list of permanent and emergency measures necessary to protect workers can be accessed here in English and accessed here in French.
-- the Fight for $15 & Fairness Team