March 31, 2020

Let's defend our rights

Know your rights: Webinar back by popular demand!

Last week we had our first COVID-19 Know Your Rights at Work online workshop together with the Workers' Action Centre and it was a real success! In fact, in response to the overwhelming demand we'll be running it again. Register now (click here), to join us on Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 pm.

After signing up on our website, you will immediately receive the log-in details for Thursday's webinar. If you have friends and coworkers who may be interested, please invite them on Facebook or share this page with them.

Help everyone get at least $500 in weekly support! 

Collective action works: the fact we even have an emergency fund is a testament to your effort!

As we learned last week, the federal government is simplifying the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to make it available to more people -- in response to public pressure. 

This is progress, but we can't stop mobilizing now. Call cabinet now (click here) to demand these supports for ALL!

There are still two big problems that must be addressed: 

  1. Workers getting EI now are only getting 55% of previous income. This is a disaster for people who had been earning minimum wage or working part-time. We need to insist that everyone currently getting Employment Insurance (EI) benefits get topped up to at least $500 weekly to have the same minimum supports as those on CERB. As it stands, workers already receiving EI, can't apply for CERB until their EI benefits run out -- and this could be several weeks or even months. We all need at least $500 a week in income supports right now.

  2. There doesn't yet appear to be a way for workers without Social Insurance Numbers to get income support. These workers are in really desperate situations and need help now. Without protection, too many people will be forced to work in unsafe conditions or while sick.  
Please call now (use our click-to-call tool here)! By speaking out, we CAN make sure everyone gets at least $500 per week! Here's what to say:
  • During the pandemic, we can’t protect anyone without protecting everyone. We must ALL have at least $500 per week in income support ($2,000 per month), either through the new Canada Emergency Response Benefit or through Employment Insurance.
  • All of us need this minimum income support, regardless of our immigration status, work experience, tax history, or whether we are currently receiving EI benefits (which only provide 55% of our part-time or minimum wage earnings). 
  • Those of us forced into the informal economy need the same minimum $500 in weekly support.

Place a call, take action nowClick to share on Facebook -- Click to share on Twitter

Will you talk to 2 more people? 

If you have called already, would you help us get 2 more people to make the call? Share this link:

By reaching out personally to 2 other friends, family members or co-workers and asking them to make a phone call, you could expand our reach dramatically. And since you have already made the call, you'll be in a good position to explain how to do it and to walk them through process.

In addition, if you haven't done so already, take a moment to call your member of parliament to deliver the same message. Click here to find your MP

We have every reason to believe we can win an EI top up and supports for other vulnerable workers who are currently excluded from the Canada Emergency Response Benefit.

But it won't happen unless many more of us speak up.

Call cabinet now (click here)! This phoning tool we've set up with the Migrant Rights Network will directly connect you to the voicemail of a Federal Minister so you can easily leave a message.

The Fight for $15 and Fairness continues to call for 21 paid emergency leave days for all workers (7 paid days permanently and an additional 14 paid days during pandemics) and for a dramatic improvement in access to -- and the amount of support provided by -- Employment Insurance. The full list of permanent and emergency measures necessary to protect workers can be accessed here in English and accessed here in French.

-- the Fight for $15 & Fairness Team