BREAKING: Fair labour laws still stand, but our fight intensifies

Community pressure is working. We just learned that the dangerous legislation that seeks to rollback our new workers' rights, Bill 47, will be sent to Committee for further review.

Unlike other regressive bills that the Ford government rammed through without committee hearings, they can't get away with doing so now with Bill 47. This is thanks to you and thousands of others, who have been mobilizing in every corner of Ontario on a daily basis. But we can't stop now.

Click here to join an upcoming event
or scroll below

Our communities are outraged that Premier Ford is defending Bill 47, which puts the health and lives of Ontarians at risk. It is shameful that this government wants to take away 2 meagre paid sick days from workers, reduce access to unpaid emergency leave, lower penalties for employers who break the law, and force low-wage workers into poverty.

What can you do?

Right now, every day counts. Help us expose the consequences of Bill 47. Watch and share this new video to remind everyone why a $15 minimum wage is a way better deal for the lowest paid workers of Ontario, than Ford's proposed tax cut. The $15 minimum wage scheduled for January 2019 will put almost $2,000 in workers' pocket, while the most people might get from a tax cut is $800. But even that's a stretch since most people making minimum wage earn so little, they already get all their taxes back. 

new video - $15 minimum wage vs tax cut
click here to watch on Facebook - click here to watch on Twitter

Remember, Bill 47 will impose a real dollar cut in the minimum wage and delay $15 at least until 2025. This together with canceling equal pay for equal work for part-time and temp agency workers, will lead to the growth of short-time, precarious jobs with no benefits. Click here to read our backgrounder on Bill 47 and learn more.

Visit your local MPP

The coming week, November 5th to 9th is "Constituency Week" - a time when the Ontario Legislative Assembly does not meet and MPPs spend time in their ridings, with their constituents. It's a great time to drop by and make your voice heard!

Please take 10 minutes to drop by the office of your Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) with a message to let them know you expect them to vote against Bill 47. In fact, you can download and print this paper card, sign it and deliver it to your MPP. Click here to find your MPP

MPP pledge poster in actionIf you are able to secure a meeting with your MPP, you can download this "Pledge Placard". It's basically a large scale survey to make your MPP's position on Bill 47 visible for all to see, including local media if you're at an event where the media is expected. This survey is designed to be printed on 11" x 17" papers (tabloid size). Bring a large felt pen to add the name of your MPP and check off the box that applies when you ask them to vote against Bill 47. Be sure to take a picture with your completed "Pledge Placard."

To access more resources - including leaflets, factsheets, "Hands off posters" with the name of your MPP -- click here.

Ask to make a deputation to the Committee reviewing Bill 47

Labour Minister Laurie Scott has been saying that Bill 47 came out of a 4-month consultation process. But we ask: consultation with whom? It seems like the only views they're interested in, comes from corporate lobbyists. We need your help to make sure the voices of workers, health providers, students, people of faith, faculty, community leaders, and others come through loud and clear. 

The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will hold the hearings that are expected to last for a mere 5 hours on November 15. We need to flood the Committee with requests to make presentations. If you are a person who will be losing your paid sick days, equal pay, fairer scheduling rules, and/or higher wages, we encourage you to make a deputation to the Standing Committee. If you know someone who is affected by Bill 47, you should also ask to depute. Contact the Committee Clerk via email: [email protected] or by phone: 416-325-3526 to request a chance to speak to the Committee. Please call or email right now. We can be sure the Ontario Chamber of Commerce is already mobilizing to stack the committee with big business voices, so please act now.

Join an upcoming action.

Join us at an upcoming action to tell the government:#WithdrawBill147! Let's demand every MPP to vote against the bill. More events are coming online every day. Visit the campaign website to see the most up-to-date listing. 

Friday, November 2nd

Rally at the Chamber of Commerce 

Friday, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM - 2575 Ouellette Place 
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Saturday, November 3rd

Bill 47 Emergency Planning Meeting 
Saturday, 11:00AM to 12:00PM – 415 Pim Street
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Monday, November 5th

Fight for $15 Action Plan Meeting
Monday, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM – ATU Local 107 Hall, 1005 King St East
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Fight for $15 Activist Mondays
Monday, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM – 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Letter Writing Party in York-South Weston
Monday, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM – Weston Village Seniors Centre, 8 John Street
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Tuesday, November 6th 

Brantford Organizing Meeting
Tuesday, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM - Revolution Coffee, 18 Market St
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Toronto Wide Organizing Meeting
Tuesday,  5:30 PM to 8:30 PM – 720 Spadina Avenue Unit 223
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Wednesday, November 7th

Ajax $15 and Fairness Go station leafleting
Wednesday, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM – Ajax GO Station, 100 Westney Rd S
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Decent Work under Ford: A Panel Discussion
Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, B201 Mackintosh-Corry Hall, 68 University Ave
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Emergency Phonebanking for $15 and Fairness
Wednesday, 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM – 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Friday, November 9th 

Student Rally for $15 and Fairness
Friday, 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM – Intersection of Yonge and Bloor
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Saturday, November 10th

Ajax $15 and Fairness Bill 47 Response
Friday, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM – Outside Starbucks by 90 Kingston Rd E 
Please RSVP or share on Facebook

Monday, November 19th

Getting to Work: Organizing against Climate and Labour Precarity Panel
Monday, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM – 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Please RSVP or share on Facebook