We don't want to die
Last week a 5th temp agency worker was killed at Fiera Foods, a food processing plant in Toronto. We’re filled with heartbreak and rage, because we know this death could have been prevented.
Tell the Ford government to take immediate action:
Click here to sign the petition
Fiera hires 70% of its workforce through temporary staffing agencies in order to keep costs low. How? Because in Ontario, the cost of injuries to temp workers are applied to the temp agencies, NOT to the companies that hire them. For bad bosses like Fiera, the lives of temp agency workers are cheap. We need to: Make. This. End. Now.
Raise your voice to demand the Ford Government act immediately to close this loophole and bring in workplace protections to ensure our safety on the job -- click here to add your name. The legislation to close this loophole already exists, but Ford’s Conservatives need to enact it.
When Premier Ford rolled back the workplace protections we won previously, he gave bad bosses the green light to abuse our rights with impunity. There was no excuse for lowering fines for employers who break the law or allowing companies to pay temp agency workers less than their directly hired co-workers. Ford must reverse course now!
Click to sign up for the rally -- Click to share on Facebook
To send a clear message to the government, and put Fiera Foods on notice, we’re calling for a protest this Wednesday. Together with local community groups and labour unions, we will hold a public rally outside the factory where the 57 year-old father of two died. Please join us on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 3:00 PM at 50 Marmora Street to say workers at Fiera Foods are not alone. Click here to sign up for the rally!
Can’t join us at the rally? Please take a moment right now to sign the petition to the Conservative government (click here). We are demanding that they:
Enact immediately the legislation (Section 83(4) of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act) that make companies that use temp workers responsible for the cost of workplace injuries and death. Only then will companies begin to protect workers health and safety.
Make it illegal for companies to rely on temp agency workers for the bulk of their workforce, by:
- Ensuring temp agency workers become directly-hired workers of the client company after three (3) months of assignment;
- Providing just cause protection for a temp agency worker if, at the end of the assignment, another temp worker is hired to do the work previously done by the terminated temp worker;
- Placing a 20% cap on the number of temp agency workers used by a company at any given time;
- Ending all penalties or fees when a client company directly hires workers
- Restore the legal protections cancelled by the Ford government, including the right to equal pay for equal work for part-time, contract, and temp agency workers; paid sick days; fairer scheduling rules; $15 minimum wage; and more.
Finally, we must also demand that Fiera Foods be investigated for criminal negligence causing death under Canada’s Criminal Code. This is the 5th death at Fiera. It is a crime.
Climate Justice = Economic Justice = Racial Justice
Friday is an historic day as millions around the world take to the streets to demand urgent and meaningful action to address climate change and environmental degradation. Inspired in part by 16 year old Greta Thunberg who launched #FridaysForFuture, young people around the world are calling for urgent action to stop climate disaster. September 20 is only the first day of a whole week of actions culminating on Friday, September 27 with mass actions in Ontario, Quebec, and elsewhere across Canada.
To find an action in your community, visit the Climate Strike Canada website here. To find an action in Toronto, click here.
To RSVP for any upcoming $15 and Fairness events in your community, visit our Facebook events page here.
We know we can only stop the climate crisis by transforming the economy and empowering workers to be part of the solution. That means migrant workers must have permanent resident status; existing low-paid workers in low-carbon jobs need higher wages, fairness, and respect; and better paid workers in high-carbon jobs need a fair transition to low-carbon jobs.
Let's make sure no worker is left behind as we transition to a just and sustainable future.
To do this, we need to stand strong against racism and xenophobia so that the global 99% can really unite to fight for the kind of world we need, want, and deserve. Afterall, there will be no climate justice without racial, social, and economic justice.
- To download posters and placards for this week's Climate actions, click here.
- To download the $15 & Fairness Climate petition, click here.
- To download leaflets promoting the September 27 Climate Rally at Queen's Park in Toronto, click here.
Wherever you are across Ontario, find an action or join us on social media to help make decent work and fairness for ALL central to our vision for climate justice.
If you use one or two of these hashtags it will be easier for everyone to amplify your posts: #ClimateStrike #UniteAgainstRacism #15andFairness #FridaysforFuture
Don't forget to RSVP for -- and share -- any of our upcoming $15 and Fairness events in your community: click here to visit our Facebook events page.
See you in the streets!
This election, join us to call out falsehoods
Yesterday, well known anti-immigrant leader Maxime Bernier got an invitation to the Federal Leaders’ debate. Soon his racist views will be televised across the country.
Take the #UniteAgainstRacism pledge by clicking here.
Right now, it's up to all of us to call out falsehoods during the federal election and reject the politics of division. We can't allow any politician to distract us from the real problems of low-wages and inadequate public services by blaming immigrants or using racist rhetoric.
For the next 5 weeks, our friends at the Migrant Rights Network will be sending out Election Reality Check updates to keep us informed. Sign up for these updates by clicking here so you can cut through the lies and empty promises circulated by politicians.
To give you a sneak peak of the Election Reality Checks, we are sharing below the one from this morning. If you see a fact you wish your friends and family members also knew, make sure to share it on social media using the hashtag #UniteAgainstRacism, and to stay in the loop sign up for future Election Reality Checks here.
1. Refugees aren’t responsible for cuts to services or low-wages, the super rich are – Many people are feeling like they don’t have enough to take care of their families, or save for retirement. We are being convinced that there is not enough for everyone. In this climate, arguments that blame refugees for taking services are gaining traction. This is why we must remind our friends and family members that while refugees take very little the super rich in Canada have stashed $353 Billion in offshore tax havens, and nearly 27% of corporate taxes are unpaid. |
Want to read on? Click here to visit the MigrantRights.Ca website to see the full version of this morning's Election Reality Check with all 9 facts. |
On Labour Day: Let's UNITE to WIN
The Labour Day weekend is upon us and we're excited to be bringing our Unite Against Racism message to thousands of workers across Ontario! To find a Labour Day event near you, click here and scroll down.
As workers across the province -- and indeed Canada -- we are united in our desire for an immediate $15 minimum wage; for decent work for all; for well-funded, universal public services; and justice for everyone. In fact, recent polling has shown that nearly 70% of Canadians, a strong majority, want the rich and the corporations to pay their fair share of taxes in order to fund anti-poverty programs*.
Without a doubt, the wealthy corporations are threatened by this kind of unity because they don't want to part with their mega-profits. So the 1% and the politicians who represent them, fuel racist and anti-immigrant rhetoric to divide us and make us fight each other for scraps.
But we won't let them get away with it. Even the disgusting billboards promoting Maxime Bernier's xenophobic Peoples' Party that attempted to scapegoat newcomers, were taken down in less than a week thanks to the public outrage**. That should build our confidence to take on bigotry wherever and whenever it appears.
To help us organize, we are proud to share some beautiful materials produced by the Migrant Rights Network.
To download the posters, click here
To download the leaflet, click here
Please print these posters and display them in your neighbourhood, campus or workplace. And if you're planning to join your local Labour Day event, bring them with.
There is also a pledge sheet to invite every person to promise to unite against racism, click here to download the pledge sheet. By asking people to leave us their contact information, we can stay organized in the days ahead -- please send completed sheets to [email protected].
We hope you have a great weekend and happy Labour Day! We'd love to see how you mark the day. Please share your pictures by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. And use the hashtags: #UniteAgainstRacism #LabourDay2019 #15andFairness.
* To see the polling results by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, click here
** To see the news coverage of the xenophobic billboards that were taken down, click here
New rights are coming in:
Thanks to you taking action, nearly 1 million workers in Canada are about to get access to new rights on September 1st. 3 paid sick days (as part of 5-days personal leave), stronger scheduling rights and protections against contract flipping will be coming into effect in two weeks time for federally regulated workers, followed by the right to equal pay for equal work (starting 2020).
Show your support for decent work reforms:
Order your (free!) lawn or window sign today -- Click here
These new rights will make a real difference in the lives of federally regulated workers who are in sectors that cross provincial borders (such as banking, telecommunications, trucking, aviation, and more). And we should all be very proud for putting these $15 & Fairness demands at the top of the agenda, first in Ontario and now across Canada.
As you know, we succeeded in making Ontario the very first province in Canada to legislate paid sick days for ALL workers, back in 2018. Although Ford's Conservative government took this basic right (and many other protections) away from millions of workers, our victory is now translating to a new national decent work standard. But, we can't take this for granted.
With the federal election scheduled for October, we must send an urgent message to politicians of all stripes that these reforms CANNOT be touched. When candidates come knocking on our doors for votes, it's crucial that we ask them how they will protect and extend $15 & Fairness reforms. To help make your support visible, we have "Proud to support $15 & Fairness" lawn and window signs! Order a free sign now: click here! We have a limited supply of lawn signs, so make sure to put in an order quickly to get yours before they're gone.
Please join us in decorating our neighbourhoods with these signs to protect the incoming decent work reforms, and continue putting pressure to win $15 & Fairness for every worker in Canada. And scroll below, to find an event near you and meet other decent work supporters:
Wednesday, August 21st
ETOBICOKE, Worker's Rights Workshop
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | LAMP Community Health Center
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Thursday, August 22nd
TORONTO, Outreach at Christie Pits
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM | Christie Pits
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
SCARBOROUGH, Meet and Greet Social
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | ACCES Employment
Click here to RSVP
Friday, August 23rd
TORONTO, Outreach in Fairbank
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM | Shortt Street and Eglinton Ave West
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Saturday, August 24th
SCARBOROUGH, TamilFest Outreach
2:00 PM - 8:00 PM | #21 - 3001 Markham Road
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
HAMILTON, Workers' Rights for People with Disabilities
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | 818 King Steet East
Click here to RSVP via Facebook
Sunday, August 25th
TORONTO, Decent Work Picnic at Viewmount Park
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Viewmount Park
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Tuesday, August 27th
TORONTO, Toronto Wide Organizing Meeting
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM | 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Monday, September 2nd
TORONTO, $15 & Fairness at Labour Day
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Trinity Bellwoods Park
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Sunday, September 8th
BRAMPTON, Brampton Decent Work Picnic
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Chinguacousy Park
Click here to RSVP
Saturday, September 14th
NORTH BAY, Know your Rights Workshop
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | 222 McIntyre St W
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Tell Attorney General Doug Downey to reverse cuts to Legal Aid!
Premier Ford’s 30% cut to legal aid will deny justice for Ontario’s poorest and most vulnerable. Although Ford shuffled his cabinet, his cuts to critical public services are still happening. We must tell the new Attorney General Doug Downey that the people of this province want him to reverse the cuts to legal aid.
On July 30th, we were so proud to join the Ontario Wide Day of Action to save our community legal clinics!
But the fight isn't over. Please take a moment to email MPP Downey or call his office at (705) 726-5538 and tell him that cuts to Legal Aid mean denying Ontario’s most marginalized access to justice.
Community legal clinics help low-wage workers win back stolen wages from bad bosses, support women flee from domestic violence, and provide fair representation for refugees fleeing death or torture. Ford's cuts mean people who are unable to afford a private lawyer will be denied justice in Ontario's courts.
Together we can save our community legal clinics! Thank you for standing up for access to justice.
Summertime momentum!
At the half-way mark of 2019, $15 and Fairness fighters have already organized over 100 actions, and trained new leaders across Ontario. A big thank you to everyone who has hit the streets with us this summer! We know it’s been a hot and rainy summer, and we really do appreciate all of you who joined us to fight for fair wages, paid sick days and fairness at work.
From beach parties in Ottawa to workers' rights workshops in Bracebridge, and from outreach in Scarborough to organizing meetings in North Bay our movement is growing one conversation and one supporter at a time. We launched a new chapter in Mississauga and we are preparing for Pride outreach in London. We are also organizing side-by-side with climate and migrant justice networks to support a Green New Deal that puts good jobs and fair wages at its centre and that provides justice for Indigenous communities and migrants. In short, we are fighting for a Green New Deal that leaves no one behind.
Thanks to you, our movement is getting stronger by the day. And there are even more events and actions coming up where we can keep our momentum going. We hope to see you at one of these upcoming actions!
Saturday, July 27th
TORONTO, Outreach in Davenport
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Old Weston Road and St Clair Ave
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Sunday, July 28th
LONDON, $15 and Fairness joins SEIU at London Pride
11:30 AM - 4:30 PM | King St and Ontario St
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
TORONTO, Picnic in Eglinton Lawrence
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Viewmount Park
Click here to RSVP
Tuesday, July 30th
ONTARIO-WIDE, Stop Legal Aid Cuts Day of Action
Various times & locations |Click here to find an event in your community
Ford's 30% cuts to legal aid impacts Ontario's most vulnerable communities. Actions happening across Ontario from Sarnia to Bracebridge to Missisuaga. The main rally will be held at Bloor St United Church at 7:30 PM.
To RSVP and for a full listing of events: www.stoplegalaidcuts.ca
TORONTO, Data Entry and Tea Party
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM | 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
SCARBOROUGH, Campaign Meet and Greet
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Scarborough Civic Center Committee Room 2
Click here to RSVP
Wednesday, July 31st
MISSISSAUGA, Mississauga Organizing Meeting
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Mississauga Central Library Classroom 2
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Thursday, August 1st
GRAVENHURST, Muskoka wants Decent Work!
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM | 510 Muskoka Rd S
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Sunday, August 4th
BRAMPTON, Brampton Organizing Meeting
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Knightsbridge Community & Senior Citizens Centre
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Saturday, August 10th
ETOBICOKE, Pizza and Politics Picnic
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Islington Ave and Lakeshore Blvd West
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Saturday, September 14th
NORTH BAY, Know Your Rights Workshop
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | #5-222 McIntyre Street
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Premier Ford: Still not for the people
The Conservative government under Doug Ford is in a deep crisis. Poll after poll has shown their plummeting popularity. Just last week, Premier Ford was booed by nearly 2 million Raptors fans at their recent celebration in Toronto. Such widespread animosity shows the extent to which ordinary Ontarians oppose his austerity agenda. And it means the work we are all doing is even more important.
Join an event near you to keep the pressure up: Click here
When he shuffled his cabinet last week, Premier Doug Ford hoped to hit the reset button on his government. He removed Laurie Scott, the Minister of Labour who took away our $15 minimum wage, paid sick days, the right to equal pay for equal work and so many other protections on the job. But, he then replaced her with Monte McNaughton, who is well-known for his anti-worker views. While Premier Ford may want to change the face of his Cabinet, he is clearly not interested in changing course. This is why it’s crucial we use the summer months to redouble our organizing effort and grow our numbers -- so that we can be bigger and stronger to defend our communities against the cuts and rollbacks we know are coming.
Every action matters. Find an event in your community, click here.
Can’t find an event near you?
Take the first step to get $15 & Fairness activities going in your neighbourhood. Download our new posters and distribute them (click here), and reply to this email to connect with a $15 & Fairness organizer who can brainstorm with you about ways of getting started!
Wednesday, June 26th
TORONTO, Worker Rights in the Gig Economy
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM | New Horizons Tower
Click here to RSVP on Facebook
MISSISSAUGA, $15 and Fairness Meet and Greet
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Mississauga Valley Community Centre
Click here to RSVP
Thursday, June 27th
KINGSTON, On Strike for Sick Days! Support Action
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM | Fort Henry Drive and Highway #2
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Tuesday, July 2nd
TORONTO, City-wide Organizing Meeting
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM | 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Wednesday, July 3rd
TORONTO, NO to OSAP changes, YES to fairer wages!
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | St George and Bloor St W
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Thursday, July 4th
TORONTO, George Brown $15 & Fairness Outreach
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Kings Lounge, George Brown College - St James Campus
Click here to RSVP
TORONTO, Climate Work is Decent Work Outreach at Dufferin Station
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | Dufferin TTC Station
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
BRACEBRIDGE, Know Your Rights at Work (Free workshop)
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | 46 Dominion St
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Saturday, July 6th
TORONTO, Climate Work is Decent Work Outreach at Evergreen Brickworks
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Evergreen Brickworks Farmers Market
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
ETOBICOKE-LAKESHORE, $15 and Fairness Outreach
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | The Sydney Grind
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
OTTAWA, Beach Party at Britannia Beach
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Brittania Beach
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Sunday, July 7th
TORONTO, Parkdale wants $15 and Fairness
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Queen St W and Jameson Ave
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
BRAMPTON, Organizing Meeting
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Knightsbridge Senior Centre
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Tuesday, July 9th
TORONTO, Workshop: Unite Against Racism: Busting myths, building power
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | 720 Spadina Ave Unit 202
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
We ALL deserve decent work!
We are done with their lies. The Ford government boasts about finding $3.8 billion in savings for corporations, while blaming migrants and refugees for cuts to public services. They are throwing away millions to get out of the Beer Store contract, but claim we don’t have enough money for our schools and hospitals.
The truth is, there is more than enough for everyone. Will you join us on Sunday, June 16 to denounce the fear-mongering and deception that makes the politics of austerity possible?
Click here to join us in Guelph
Click here to join us in London
Click here to join us in Ottawa
Click here to join us in Peterborough
Click here to join us in Toronto
Here in Ontario and across the country, politicians are fueling racist and anti-immigrant sentiments to divide us, gain power, then implement a pro-corporate agenda that hurts everyone. The damage is real: acts of white-supremacy are on the rise. And while we fight one another for scraps, the super rich simply get richer.
This is why the Fight for $15 & Fairness has pledged to join the #UniteAgainstRacism mobilizations led by the Migrant Rights Network. On June 16, join the cross-country day of action! Let’s reclaim the collective power we hold when we act together to demand fairness for all.
We ALL deserve:
- Decent work.
- Quality, universal, public services.
- The right to live where we want, with our families, without fear of deportation.
- A world free of discrimination and unfairness.
- A world free of war, corporate impunity, and climate change.
Say it with us loud and clear: greedy corporations and unaccountable politicians are the problem, not migrants, not refugees, not the people of color. It is time to stop the cuts that push our communities into deeper poverty and the politics of division that undermine our power. Actions are being updated regularly, find the most current info at: www.migrantrights.ca/June16
Share on Facebook | Share on Twitter
Not able to join us on Sunday, June 16? $15 & Fairness events are happening regularly, visit our website to see upcoming actions you can join.
The resistance is growing, join us in your community:
A new poll released yesterday shows 75% of Ontarians think Premier Ford is taking us in the wrong direction. The public outrage against Ford’s cut to public services and the rollbacks of our rights is so high that 4 in 10 Conservative voters say they wouldn’t vote for the party again.[1]
There is no doubt that the People of Ontario are angry at the Ford government for repeatedly choosing corporate profits over workers, our health and the environment. It’s crucial that we organize this sentiment to create sustained pressure to not only shame the Conservative government, but also to stop the attacks on our communities.
This is why from Muskoka to Malton, and from Niagara Falls to Ottawa, $15 & Fairness supporters have been organizing local events to hold the Ford government to account and defend our rights against bad bosses. In the coming days please make every effort to join us at a local action near you:
June 7 & 8 - Power of Many Provincial Days of Action
June 7 marks one year of resisting government cuts to public services, education, health care and decent work. Labour and community will be hitting the streets throughout Ontario to show that we didn't vote for cuts to public services or attacks on decent work. Join an action in a community near you, click here!
Climate justice means decent work and migrant rights! Sign the pact for a Green New Deal!
People across the country are coming together to create a shared vision for an economy that protects the planet -- and its inhabitants. Sign the pact here, to get on board. Round-table discussions are taking place everywhere! Click here to find one near you.
We know that any bold vision to protect the environment must include: decent work; universal, high quality public services; permanent resident status for all migrants and refugees; indigenous self-determination, gender justice, and an end to racism; and an end to practices and persecution that displace people and force them to migrate.
Please help us bring this decent work perspective to a Green New Deal town hall near you. We have a specific $15 and Fairness petition tailored to the environmental movement that helps make the link between workers’ & migrant rights and climate justice. You can download the petition here. A complementary leaflet has been produced by the Migrant Rights Network and is available for download here.
Support the Niagara workers on strike for $15 & Fairness
Last year when the minimum wage increased, management started stealing workers’ tips at the Rainforest Cafe. Workers -- mostly women -- decided to form a union to protect themselves and now they’re on strike, and need our help. They are demanding a minimum wage of $15 an hour, respect at work, and an end to sexual violence in the workplace. Across Ontario let’s join forces to help these workers win $15 & Fairness -- please take a moment now to email the employer, click here.
Scroll below to find an action near you!
May 23
SCARBOROUGH, Door knocking outreach in Scarborough
Thursday, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Morningside Ave & Lawrence Ave E
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
May 25
MISSISSAUGA, Mississauga wants $15 and Fairness outreach
Saturday, 11: 00 AM - 12:00 PM - 100 Dundas St East
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
May 27
OTTAWA, Ottawa organizing meeting
Monday, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - 25OneCommunity
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
May 28
BRACEBRIDGE, Parry Sound-Muskoka decent work coffee meet up
Tuesday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Oliver's Coffee Corporation
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
NIPISSING, Nipissing Decent Work Panel
Tuesday, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM - White Water Gallery
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
May 29
LONDON, Train the trainer workshop: Building capacity to fight racism & xenophobia
Wednesday, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Tolpuddle Cooperative, Common Room
Click here to RSVP
June 1
TORONTO, Injured Workers' Rally
Saturday, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Queens Park
Under Ford’s watch, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board gave a multi-billion dollar gift to employers by cutting their premiums by 30%, while injured workers are denied access to the services they need. On June 1st, join the rally at Queens Park to ensure every Ontario worker gets protected if they get injured on the job.
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
ETOBICOKE, Fighting for $15 and Fairness in Mimico
Saturday, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Birds and Bee's Cafe
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
June 2
BRAMPTON, Brampton organizing meeting
Sunday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Knightsbridge Senior Citizens Centre
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
June 4
TORONTO, Toronto organizing meeting
Tuesday, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM - 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
June 8
TORONTO, West Toronto canvass at Dufferin Station
Saturday, 12:00 NOON - 1:30 PM - Northwest corner of Dufferin and Bloor
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
June 11
SCARBOROUGH, Centennial College -- Fairness for contract faculty info session
Tuesday, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM - School of Business Boardroom, Progress Campus
Click here to RSVP
June 16
TORONTO, Migrant Rights Network Day of Action to #UniteAgainstRacism
Sunday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Grange Park
Click here to RSVP and to share on Facebook
[1] Read the Toronto Star story here.