Premier Doug Ford made his priorities crystal clear last week by releasing his very first provincial budget. Suffice to say, working people or our families are NOT of concern to the Premier.
Click here to find an action near you.
From education to environment, health care to social services, cuts to public services are coming. We know cuts will be devastating both for the quality of the services our communities rely on, and the working conditions of the people who deliver them. The budget hits people on social assistance, Indigenous peoples, migrants and refugees the hardest, with these specific cuts alone adding up to billions.
Forcing our communities into deeper poverty to boost corporate profits is inexcusable. Ford's budget prioritizes $3.8 billion in savings for corporations. Meanwhile, $11 million in funding is cut from the Ministry of Labour further weakening the enforcement of our rights on the job. It was bad enough that the Ministry was ordered to stop using proactive inspections back in September, but now they will start relying on employer self-regulation. Bad bosses will no doubt see this as an open invitation to continue violating workers' rights.
Over and over again, Doug Ford is proving that he is for corporations, not the people. Earlier in April his government's own Financial Accountability Office confirmed what we had said all along. Had the $15 minimum wage kicked in on January 1st 2019 as scheduled, 1.3 million Ontarians each would have received a $810 boost (after-tax). But, under Ford’s so called low-income tax credit, 62% of minimum wage earners get nothing while those who are eligible get only about a $400 tax-credit
With wages frozen, rights under attack and services being cut, people are outraged in all corners of the province. Now is the time to take action!
- Ontario Federation of Labour is organizing a provincial Day of Action tomorrow (Wednesday, April 17) to protest Doug Ford's budget: click here to find events in Toronto, click here to find events across Ontario.
- Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC) has committed to holding local town halls to amplify the voices of Ontarians who are living on the margins, the first is scheduled to take place in Kingston on April 23rd (see details below, or click here to learn more about this initiative).
Please take a look at upcoming events and join one near you. We cannot ever forget that WE are the majority, and united we will win decent work for ALL.
Wednesday, April 17th
ONTARIO-WIDE: Power of Many Day of Action
Wednesday, All day | Across Ontario
Ford's 2019 budget means more cuts to programs and public services that working people depend on. Join the Ontario Federation of Labour to help spread the word about what is at stake in this budget and how we can all take action. Actions are happening in Toronto, Peel, Guelph, London, Waterloo, North Bay, Ottawa, Kingston, Durham, Chatham, Stratford, Sault Ste. Marie, Cornwall, and Thunder Bay. Click here to find events in Toronto, click here to find events across Ontario.
BRAMPTON, Brampton Outreach
Wednesday, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM | Brampton Downtown Terminal
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
BRACEBRIDGE, Decent Work Coffee Meet up
Wednesday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Oliver's Coffee Corporation
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Monday, April 22nd
KINGSTON, Decent Work Discussions: How Tenants Fight Back!
Monday, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM | The Grad Club
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Tuesday, April 23rd
KINGSTON, Voices from the Margins Town Hall
Tuesday, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM |St. Vincent de Paul, 85 Stephen St
Many people in Ontario are hurt by the rollback of our scheduled $15 minimum wage, cuts to services, and inadequate social assistance programs. Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition is organizing a series of town halls to collect and amplify these stories. If you are interested in sharing your experiences, please consider attending the event. Email [email protected] to RSVP.
TORONTO, Toronto-wide Organizing Meeting
Tuesday, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM | 720 Spadina Ave Unit 223
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Thursday, April 25th
SCARBOROUGH, Know Your Rights: Employment Standards Workshop
Thursday, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM | ACCES Employment
Click here to RSVP
Saturday, April 27th
TORONTO, West Toronto Canvass at Dufferin Station
Saturday, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM | Dufferin TTC Station
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
Sunday, April 28th
BRAMPTON, Brampton Organizing Meeting
Sunday, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Knightsbridge Senior Citizens Centre
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
SAULT STE MARIE, Decent Work Coffee Meetup
Sunday, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Shabby Motley Handcraft
To RSVP and share on Facebook
Tuesday, April 30th
TORONTO, Rally to Protect Public Healthcare
Tuesday, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Queens Park
To RSVP and share on Facebook
Wednesday, May 1st
ONTARIO-WIDE, #UniteAgainsRacism - No Worker Left Behind!
Politicians want us to blame migrants and refugees instead of realizing that it’s the super rich who are responsible for low wages and underfunded services. We will not be fooled! On May 1st, find a local event for International Workers Day, and show up with this placard. Then take a photo of yourself with it and share it on social media with #UniteAgainstRacism. Learn more, visit: https://migrantrights.ca/may1
MISSISSAUGA, Toronto Airport May Day Street Festival
Wednesday, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Toronto Pearson International Airport
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook
OTTAWA, Workers Cabaret: Resistance Is Beautiful
Wednesday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Arts Court
Click here to RSVP or to share on Facebook
Sunday, May 5th
MISSISSAUGA, Malton Nagar Kirtan Parade Outreach
Sunday, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM | Sri Guru Singh Sabha
Click here to RSVP
Saturday, May 11th
TORONTO, West Toronto Outreach at Spring into Parkdale
Saturday, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM | Roncesvalles and Queen Intersection
Click here to RSVP or share on Facebook